Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hi Ya'll!
So I just got a moment to sit and chill for a minute and I stumbled upon this Nicki Minaj (http://www.upworthy.com/watch-nicki-minaj-casually-dismantle-sexism-while-applying-her-eyeliner?g=5&c=bm1) video debunking sexism and it really got me thinking about how inspiriting it is to see such strong determined women take an idea or a dream and make it come true. I know many might not think that such women like Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj are huge influential beings but I certainly think that they are and I am constantly influenced and inspired by them. Its inspiring to see the confidence in knowing exactly what they want and made it their own, changing the industry unlike any other person before. Just a little thought. Hope your all having a beautiful Tuesday night!
Nicole Elle

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Inspiration is everywhere :)

Good morning everyone!
It's been a while since I have blogged and I apologize! I am currently on my way to Orlando to work for Parade of Memories in Disney as a touch up makeup specialist to help make sure all 1,600 girls are set and ready to go for their performances they are about to par take in the next few days. As I am flying I have some time to blog and I felt a serious urge to blog about all the inspiration that is around us. As my schedule is quickly picking up I am realizing while flying that inspiration is all around us and we really need to take it all in wether we are busy or in slow mo. As I look out the window I am super inspired by the scenic view of the mountains we are passing as a lone dirt path crosses right across them almost off the beaten path and I am really inspired by that. Maybe it's because right now so many great things are happening in my life and they are not on a set path and I am really grateful for that. I love the spontaneity of my line of work right now and I'm really just living in the moment and taking it for what is it. I feel super blessed to have these opportunities to do makeup an help people let their inner beauty shine :)
I also feel so blessed for all of you that have supported me and have joined me on my journey as well as all the beautiful people I have met a long the way :) I just wanted to say thank you.